Monday, July 21, 2008

Operation: Wedding Arms

Today is day 2 of operation: wedding arms. I can't call it a full scale war- I'm not ready to invest the time, money and various other resources to call it a war. How about a minor conflict? The reason for the "conflict?" I have a wedding coming up in under 150 days and the arms are a bit too flabby. Now, you may be wondering, wow, that's not so bad if she only has to worry about her arms. However, let me introduce you to my logic.

Now, as you can see, like with many wedding dresses, there is actually very little skin visable. So rather than working on my flabby thighs, ever widenening rear-end, my expanding pooch, or anywhere in between- I have focused my efforts on those ever visable arms. My plan is to get these...
to turn into these...
I am really confused why my "fit arms" woman is sideways. Please forgive me. Day two in the blog world is still a little early to be able to figure this stuff out.
So, wish me luck. If I can figure out how to get my fiance's camera to upload it pics onto my computer, I may even shock you with real life pics of my own flabby arms.
I have to leave you with this, when I did a Google image search for "fit arms," this is what I got. Don't ask me how.


Anonymous said...

You can definitely firm your arms in in 150 days! I recommend pushups, curls with freeweights, tricep exercises on a chair (google them), and buying a rubber tubing thingy with handles. I have the tube thing, and I can do at least four different exercises with it. I got it from Maybe the Doc knows a physical therapist who could give you some specific exercises to do...Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh you can do it!!! I totally have faith in you, and once you do DO it...tell me how you did do it! LOL